Min Zhao

Min Zhao


Davis, CA, United States


Dr. Min Zhao is a professor of dermatology at the UC Davis School of Medicine. He is also an honorary professor at the University of Aberdeen, Cardiff University and a guest professor at the 3rd Military Medical University, China.
Dr. Zhao graduated from the 3rd Military Medical University in Chongqing, China. After completion of Ph.D. training under the supervision of Professor Zhengguo Wang, he joined Professor Geoff Burnstock at University College, London. He then moved to the University of Aberdeen as a research fellow to work with Professors Colin McCaig and John Forrester. At Aberdeen he won a Wellcome Trust University Award Lectureship, in 2004 he was promoted to Professor/Personal Chair in Biomedical Science and Regenerative Medicine. His group discovered that PI3 kinase/Pten molecules are key elements in the electric signaling (Nature 2006; 442, 457-460). In 2007, he moved to UC Davis and is currently a Professor of Dermatology and Ophthalmology.

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