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A Rare Case of Kussmaul Disease (Sialodochitis Fibrinosa)
Published in Journal of Case Reports in Medicine
Sialodochitis fibrinosa (commonly known as Kussmaul disease) is a rare salivary gland disease characterized by recurrent salivary gland swelling and pain as a result of mucofibrinous plugs. Patients typically have a history of multiple recurrent glandular swellings, dehydration, decreased salivary flow, thick secretions from Stensen's, Wharton's du...
Tracheobronchial Amyloidosis: A Case Report and Review of the Literature
Published in Journal of Case Reports in Medicine
Objectives. This is a case report on tracheobronchial amyloidosis. This disease may provide a diagnostic challenge for otolaryngologists due to its rarity and relative lack of literature. Our case highlights presentation and workup of this disease. Methods. The index patient's workup included clinical exam, CT of the neck and chest, direct laryngos...