Matthew Sigman
Faculty Member, University of Utah
Published articles Show More
Using IR vibrations to quantitatively describe and predict site-selectivity in multivariate Rh-catalyzed C–H functionali...
Published in Chemical Science
Achieving selective C–H functionalization is a significant challenge that requires discrimination between many similar C–H bonds. Yet, reaction systems employing Rh2(DOSP)4 and Rh2(BPCP)4 were recently demonstrated to afford high levels of selectivity in the C–H insertion of carbenes into toluene-derived substrates. Herein, we explore the origin of...
Analyzing Site Selectivity in Rh2(esp)2-Catalyzed Intermolecular C–H Amination Reactions
Published in Journal of the American Chemical Society
Predicting site selectivity in C-H bond oxidation reactions involving heteroatom transfer is challenged by the small energetic differences between disparate bond types and the subtle interplay of steric and electronic effects that influence reactivity. Herein, the factors governing selective Rh2(esp)2-catalyzed C-H amination of isoamylbenzene deriv...