The Control of an Invasive Bivalve, Corbicula fluminea, Using Gas Impermeable Benthic Barriers in a Large Natural Lake Marion E., Wittmann Sudeep, Chandra John Reuter Geoffrey Schladow Brant Allen Katie Webb Published in E3 Journal of Environmental Research and Management
Expanded Asian Clam Control Project Final report submitted to the Nevada Division of State Lands M E, Wittmann S, Chandra John Reuter Geoffrey Schladow Brant Allen Katie Webb
Expanded Asian Clam Control Project M E, Wittmann S, Chandra John Reuter Geoffrey Schladow Brant Allen Katie Webb
Immediate Tasks for Emerald Bay Asian Clam Management, Final Report A E, Gamble A L, Forrest P R, Stumpner T, Mathis A, Caires John Reuter S, Chandra Brant Allen Katie Webb Geoffrey Schladow ...