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Julien Hering

Julien Hering

CEO & Founder Tree of Science

Disciplines: Biology Chemistry Physics
Paris, 75015. France


Ph.D. founder CEO keynote Speaker - Science 2.0 Open Science @ (Find the best digital tools for scientific research) | Become a more efficient and connected researcher

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Advisor February 2018 - September 2019

Scienceroot ( RO)

Advisor fro Scienceroot a blockchain-based scientific ecosystem to integrate a Social Media Scientific Network, Funding Platform and Decentralized Publishing Framework.

CEO & Founder Since July 2012

Tree of Science (Paris area FR)

Training, consulting, coaching in digital research tools and scientific networks (science 2.0), professional networking, digital strategy, online presence, and open science for all researchers (from PhD students, academic PhDs to R&D researchers) and research organizations Training and coaching are delivered through an online platform (blended learning, virtual classes, collaborative work and social learning). Consulting about digital research and strategy, open science, and science Crowdfunding is also providing to research organization (academic and R&D laboratories). Let's work together to improve your scientific career!

Co-founder Collectif PAPERA Since August 2008

Collectif PAPERA (Paris FR)

Co-fondateur (2008) du collectif PAPERA (lien ci-contre). - Soutien aux doctorants, docteurs, et autres contractuels de l’Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche (ESR) en France - Lobbying pour l'amélioration des conditions des doctorants et docteurs contractuels, valorisation du doctorat et reconnaissance comme expérience professionnelle. Actions auprès du ministère (reçu en février 2009), de présidents d'universités, de la Conférence des Présidents d'Universités, d'autres associations, ... - Informations, analyses et critiques sur l'ESR en France et ailleurs (politiques d'ESR, doctorat, contratuels, ...) Compétences développées : - formations et les politiques doctorales, système d'enseignement supérieur et de recherche français (et international), médiation de conflits, - Création et animation d'une communauté : réunions, conférences/débats, diffusion massive d'informations, site internet, réseaux sociaux, veille. - Création site web (SPIP), administration de site internet (webmastering), édition et rédaction de contenu web, communication web (réseaux sociaux, pétitions, tracts, affiches, ...)

Research project leader Since November 2004

Institut Pasteur (Paris FR)

Researcher in the European research network NeuroKCNQpathies (corresponding scientist). Development of an innovating research project: electrophysiological study of the encoding process of sound by primary auditory neurons on adult animals. Design and build of a specific setup (technical engineering of micromechanical, electronically and optical elements) combining electrophysiology, measurement with laser vibrometer, fluorescent imagery and real-time analysis. Results: - Tissue preparation very stable during time that is critical to perform complex studies combining different approaches (electrophysiology, pharmacology, mechanic); - Design and experimental use of an innovating setup combining electrophysiology, fluorescent and IR imagery, laser vibrometer, and piezomechanical stimulation; - Experiments performed on up to 5-6 months rats (or mice) (study on adult animals let the interesting opportunity to work on presbyacousy); - Recordings of sensory hair cells and single fibers of the auditory nerve.

Teaching assistant and junior lecturer University Since November 2000

Universités (Paris area FR)

Academic teaching from PBL to lecture courses for student up to the post-graduate level in universities and medical schools (UPMC, UVSQ, Pharmacology university Paris XI, University Paris XIII-Medical School) Neurophysiology, Physiology, neurophysiology and biophysics of audition, sensory systems (with Memory/plasticity and sleep), structure/function of ion channels.


Phd candidate in Neuroscience Since October 2000

UPMC - Ecole Normale Supérieure Ulm (Paris FR)

Study of T-type calcium channels (CaV 3.1, 3.2, and 3.3) biophysical properties: inactivation properties, structure/function, role in neuronal activity and network. Work performed in the Laboratory of molecular and cellular neurobiology (École Normale Supérieure, Paris). PhD Advisor: Pr. Philippe Ascher. Approaches: Electrophysiology, biophysics, modelisation, recombinant cell lines (new and maintenance), transfection (transitory and stable proteins expression), primary cultures, isolated cells, brain slices. Accomplishments: characterization of channel biophysical properties, structure/function models of ion channels gating, and physiological models of different brain structures (cerebellum, thalamus...)


Research grant September 2004

Bourse de Recherche de la Fondation pour la recherche médicale (Ecole Normale Supérieure, Ulm)

Research fellowship July 2002

Riken BSI Laboratory internship fellowship

Research grant for Phd graduation October 2000

2000 Allocation de recherche du ministère Enseignement Supérieur et recherche


Science 2.0 & 3.0 Open Science Interdisciplinarity & Collaboration Science 2.0 Scientific Networking Collaborative Works Online Training Open Science Networking Open Access, Copyright, Digital Preservation, Open Journal Systems Science Communication Research, Consultancy, Online Visibility Open Research Open Innovation E-Reputation Online Presence

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