Josué Medellín-Azuara


Associate Research Engineer, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. Josue Medellin is interested hydro-economic modeling of regional water resources systems, adaptation to climate change, consumptive use,  and economic representation of water demands. His professional experience includes environmental management positions for industry, and consulting and collaboration for non-governmental organizations such as the El Colegio de Mexico, Natural Heritage Institute, The Nature Conservancy, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile, the Public Policy Institute of California,  Stockholm Environment Institute,  and the World Bank. He has led hydro-economic studies on adaptation to climate change in California, water management in the US Mexico border having developed Baja CALVIN in collaboration the University of Baja California. Josue is a co-developer for the SWAP and the CALVIN models for water resources managemen tin California.  Since 2015, Josue serves as the Convener of the California Water and Environemtal Modeling Forum (CWEMF), a non profit and non-partisan organization to advance the usefulness of water and environmental models in California.  Josue Medellin-Azuara CV (In PDF, updated October 2015).

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Hydro-Economic Modeling Water Management Economics Of Groundwater Agricultural Production And Consumptive Use

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