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Javier González-Gallego

Javier González-Gallego

Full Professor of Physiology

Disciplines: Medicine Physiology Molecular Biology
University Campus, León, 24071. Spain , León


Javier González-Gallego (PhD, MD) is Full Professor of Physiology and member of the Institute of Biomedicine (IBIOMED) at the University of León (Spain). Before joining the University of León in 1987, he was Senior Lecturer at the University of Salamanca (Spain), British Council Scholar at the University of Cambridge (UK) and Assistant Lecturer at the University of Granada (Spain). He has also served as Visiting Professor at the University of Leuven (Belgium) and Guest Professor at the Agricultural University of Nanjing (China). Professor González-Gallego has led and managed as principal investigator more than 30 competitive research projects (funded by the European Union and different international and Spanish research programmes). Hehas served as member of the editorial board for several peer-reviewed journals (i.e. J Pineal Res, JCR 1st decile, 11.6 IF), and has coauthored 15 books, 43 book chapters, more than 200 peer-reviewed papers and around 500 scientific contributions at national and international conferences. He has expertise in research management and administration (Head of University Department, Scientific Director of Research Institute), research evaluation (Spanish, American and European programmes), development of human capital (orientation of Spanish, European, South American, and Chinese Students), industrial partnership (contracts with different pharmaceutical companies), and international cooperation in science and technology (coordinator of EC projects, coordinator of postgraduate courses in South American Universities, Joint Projects with different European laboratories). General quality indicators (last update 15/05/22): 

Scopus: H-index 63, Citations 12,342
WOS (core collection): H-index 61, Citations 11,181
Google Scholar: H-index 80, Citations 28,680
Researchgate: H-index 69, Citations 15,383
DIH Group: Fh (Physiology) 1.33 (ranked nº1 in Physiology in Spain)
Webometric ranking of researchers in Spain: position 371
Peer reviews (WOS journals): 114
Editor records (WOS journals): 34
Number of recognized six-year research periods: 7 (last 2019) 
Number of supervised doctoral theses (last 10 years): 16

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