Graham Fogg is Professor of Hydrogeology in the Department of Land, Air and Water Resources. His research interests include groundwater contaminant transport; groundwater basin characterization and management; geologic/geostatistical characterization of subsurface heterogeneity for improved pollutant transport modeling; numerical modeling of groundwater flow and contaminant transport; role of molecular diffusion in contaminant transport and remediation; long-term sustainability of regional groundwater quality; vulnerability of aquifers to non-point-source groundwater contaminants. His work with the Watershed Center has included an important study documenting groundwater conditions in the Lower Cosumnes River, and showing the impact of those conditions on various plans to increase fall flows for salmon.

Published articles Show More
The role of perched aquifers in hydrological connectivity and biogeochemical processes in vernal pool landscapes, Centra...
Published in Hydrological Processes
Relatively little is known about the role of perched aquifers in hydrological, biogeochemical, and biological processes of vernal pool landscapes. The objectives of this study are to introduce a perched aquifer concept for vernal pool formation and maintenance and to examine the resulting hydrological and biogeochemical phenomena in a representativ...
Managing Surface Water-Groundwater to Restore Fall Flows in the Cosumnes River
Published in ASCE Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management
Declining fall flows are limiting the ability of the Cosumnes River to support large fall runs of Chinook salmon. Management scenarios linking surface water and groundwater alternatives to provide sufficient fall flows are examined using groundwater flow and channel routing models. Results show that groundwater overdraft in the basin has converted ...
Geological control of physical and chemical hydrology in California vernal pools
Published in Journal of Wetlands Ecology
Reports Show More
A Table of Contents for Groundwater Sustainability Plans under Californias Sustainable Groundwater Management Act
A team of California researchers propose a general outline to guide local agencies in crafting Groundwater Sustainability Plans under the California Sustainable Groundwater Management Act of 2014
Creating Effective Groundwater Sustainability Plans
California is entering a new era in how it manages its largest source of water storage — groundwater. Initial efforts implementing the state’s new Sustainable Groundwater Management Act must focus on getting local and state agencies organized and able to communicate with each other. Having common expectations for the contents of the law’s required ...
A Detailed Outline for Groundwater Sustainability Plans under Californias Sustainable Groundwater Management Act
A team of California researchers propose a detailed outline to guide local agencies in crafting Groundwater Sustainability Plans under the California Sustainable Groundwater Management Act of 2014