Fatima Djouadi
Responsable de l'équipe, Maladies mitochondriales : thérapie pharmacologique et signalisation métabolique
Published articles Show More
Resveratrol attenuates oxidative stress in mitochondrial Complex I deficiency: Involvement of SIRT3
Published in Free Radical Biology and Medicine
The pathophysiological mechanisms underlying Complex I (CI) deficiencies are understood only partially which severely limits the treatment of this common, devastating, mitochondrial disorder. Recently, we have shown that resveratrol (RSV), a natural polyphenol, has beneficial effects on CI deficiency of nuclear origin. Here, we demonstrate that RSV...
Mitochondrial trifunctional protein deficiency in human cultured fibroblasts: effects of bezafibrate
...Published in Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease
Mitochondrial trifunctional protein (MTP) deficiency caused by HADHA or HADHB gene mutations exhibits substantial molecular, biochemical, and clinical heterogeneity and ranks among the more severe fatty acid oxidation (FAO) disorders, without pharmacological treatment. Since bezafibrate has been shown to potentially correct other FAO disorders in p...
Resveratrol and Myopathy
Published in Nutrients
Resveratrol is a natural polyphenolic compound produced by plants under various stress conditions. Resveratrol has been reported to exhibit antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-proliferative properties in mammalian cells and animal models, and might therefore exert pleiotropic beneficial effects in different pathophysiological states. More rece...
Theses Show More
Potentiel thérapeutique et mécanismes d'action du resvératrol dans les déficits héréditaires de la chaîne respiratoire
Etude du developpement du metabolisme oxydatif du tubule renal de rat: regulation nutritionnelle et hormonale au cours d...
L'activite de marqueurs enzymatiques mitochondriaux du metabolisme oxydatif caracteristiques du cycle de krebs (fumarase et citrate synthase), de l'oxydation des acides gras (b-hydroxyacylcoa deshydrogenase, b-ohdh) et des corps cetoniques (3-cetoacidecoa transferase) a ete mesuree, a l'aide de microtechniques, dans 6 segments de nephron de rein de...
Responsable de l'équipe
université Paris Descartes
Maladies mitochondriales : thérapie pharmacologique et signalisation métabolique; INSERM/Paris 5, UMR_S 1124, Pharmacologie, Toxicologie et Signalisation cellulaire; Centre Interdisciplinaire Chimie Biologie - Paris (CICB-Paris); Faculté des Sciences Fondamentales et Biomédicales