Development of in-situ releasable assays for identification/ characterization of inhibitors of proteases and kinases overexpressed in certain cancers. Development of polymer scaffolds for studies of cell signaling and tumor migration.
Ekama Onofiok
Year 3, Physician Scientist Training Program (PSTP), UC Davis School of Medicine. Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Graduate Student Researcher, UC Davis Cancer Center.
Published articles Show More
The “One-Bead-One-Compound” Combinatorial Approach to Identifying Molecular Imaging Probes
A novel hydrogel functionalized with specific peptidomimetic ligands for 2-D and 3-D cell culture.
Published in Advances in experimental medicine and biology
Mechanochemotransduction during cardiomyocyte contraction is mediated by localized nitric oxide signaling.
...Published in Science Signaling
Cardiomyocytes contract against a mechanical load during each heartbeat, and excessive mechanical stress leads to heart diseases. Using a cell-in-gel system that imposes an afterload during cardiomyocyte contraction, we found that nitric oxide synthase (NOS) was involved in transducing mechanical load to alter Ca(2+) dynamics. In mouse ventricular ...