Athanassia Sotiropoulos
Responsable de l'équipe, Développement neuromusculaire, Génétique et Physiopathologie
Published articles Show More
Citrulline directly modulates muscle protein synthesis via the PI3K/MAPK/4E-BP1 pathway in a malnourished state: evidenc...
...Published in AJP Endocrinology and Metabolism
Citrulline (CIT) is an endogenous amino acid produced by the intestine. Recent literature has consistently shown CIT to be an activator of muscle protein synthesis (MPS). However, the underlying mechanism is still unknown. Our working hypothesis was that CIT might regulate muscle homeostasis directly through the mTORC1/PI3K/MAPK pathways. Because C...
Nuclear actin and myocardin-related transcription factors control disuse muscle atrophy through regulation of Srf activi...
Published in Journal of Cell Science
Skeletal muscle atrophy is a debilitating process that is associated with a wide variety of conditions including inactivity, disease and aging. Here, we demonstrate that the actin, myocardin-related transcription factors and serum response factor (actin-Mrtf-Srf) pathway is specifically downregulated in the muscle atrophy that is induced through di...
Role of Serum Response Factor as in the Mechanotransduction of the Muscle Cell
Published in Biophysical Journal
Theses Show More
Rôle du facteur de transcription Srf au cours de l'atrophie du muscle squelettique et dans les cellules satellites
Le muscle squelettique adulte est un tissu possédant la capacité fondamentale d’adapter sa taille à la demande fonctionnelle : il peut s’atrophier ou s’hypertrophier en réponse à une variation de la charge mécanique qui lui est appliquée. A l’heure actuelle, les facteurs impliqués dans la plasticité musculaire demeurent méconnus. D’une part, grâce ...
Responsable de l'équipe
université Paris Descartes
Développement neuromusculaire, Génétique et Physiopathologie; Développement, Reproduction, Cancer (DRC); UMR 8104 / UMR_S1016, Institut Cochin; Faculté de Médecine