Andy Bell joined the GIS lab at the Center for Watershed Sciences in 2013. He works on a variety of GIS projects ranging from mapping native fish to flying quadcopters. Prior to starting at the Center, he worked as a River Scientist at Sierra Streams Institute in Nevada City, CA. He has a BA in biology and environmental studies from Bowdoin College. He has contributed to PISCES, Drought Monitoring, Historical Delta Elevation Model, Freshwater Conservation and Long-term River Monitoring.
Published articles Show More
Missing the Boat on Freshwater Fish Conservation in California
...Published in Conservation Letters
Population growth and increasing water-use pressures threaten Californias freshwater ecosystems and have led many native fishes to the brink of extinction. To guide fish conservation efforts, we provide the first systematic prioritization of river catchments and identify those that disproportionately contribute to fish taxonomic diversity. Using hi...