Welcome to MyScienceWork
Article 1: General
The web site user is informed that the web site MyScienceWork, accessible by the URL http://mysciencework.com (the "web site") is published by: Website publisher: MyScienceWork, Limited company with capital of € 31,000.00 Registered under number B168488 Headquarters: 35a, avenue John F. Kennedy L-1855 Luxembourg Email: [email protected] Hereinafter called the "Company" or "MyScienceWork" Technical Director: Virginie Simon, Administrator of MyScienceWork. To reach the Technical Director directly: virginie (dot) simon (at) mysciencework.com. The site is hosted by: Hosting Site: OVH SAS Simplified joint stock company with capital of € 10,000,000 Registered under number RCS 424 761 419 0004 5 Head Office: 2 rue Kellermann - 59100 Roubaix – France.
Article 2: Correction of personal information collected
MyScienceWork may be required to collect certain information about users. MyScienceWork respects the privacy of users , and all personal data that the user may be required to transmit to the Site are subject to the provisions of the amended Act of 2 August 2002 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data. The user is informed that he/she has the right to access, oppose, rectify and delete data according to the amended Act of 2 August 2002 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data. As such, he/she may demand the rectification, completion, clarification, updating or deletion of the information that is inaccurate, incomplete, ambiguous, out of date or whose collection, use, disclosure or storage is prohibited. Each User can exercise this right at any time by sending a letter to the following address: 35a avenue John F. Kennedy.
Article 3: Registration
Users have the free option of providing personal information about themselves. To gain access to the web site, the user must create an account by identifying him/herself with the following mandatory fields: gender last name first name valid e-mail scientific discipline(s) concerned Users not wishing to provide the information needed to use the services offered by this web site and, where appropriate, necessary to create a personal space, cannot use the services offered by the Company. The data collected are necessary for the proper administration of the services offered on this web site. This data is kept by the Company in this unique quality, and the Company undertakes not to use them in any other context, or to transmit them to a third party, without express permission of users or as provided by law.
Notwithstanding the preceding statements, in connection with the Premium Offer of MyScienceWork, access to some user data (name, country, profession and billing information) will be provided to commercial partners of MyScienceWork for purposes of analysis, but in no case for commercial prospecting.
Article 4: Responsibility for Content
MyScienceWork reserves the right to edit or delete any link that does not fall within a professional approach. The pages of MyScienceWork are pages where users can express themselves freely and take full responsibility for their writings, links, and content, provided the links and publications concern the professional field. This free expression must adhere to the following rules: The authors alone take full responsibility for their writings, comments, links, content and images used. It is strictly prohibited to publish content to defend crimes against humanity, incitement to racial hatred, child pornography, as well as insults and slander. It is strictly prohibited to publish insults vis-à-vis other user, to retrieve data of other users, or to post commercial products or services of any kind. By posting content or comments on MyScienceWork web site, the authors allow MyScienceWork: To copy, distribute and transmit your link or comment to the public, free of charge, for the duration of protection of the right to use provided under the law, without limitation of place, or support. To remove: all or part of your comment, without special justification provided to you, especially in the case of infraction under French law (insults, defamation, xenophobia, pedophilia, etc..); third party claims; or any subject not within the theme of MyScienceWork. To store in its database connection information the time necessary to carry out the obligations of hosting provider and / or editor of MyScienceWork. The MyScienceWork web site having no editorial control, that is to say the ability to inspect and have prior knowledge of, comments and links published on the social network are the sole responsibility of their authors / referrers respectively. Responsibility for MyScienceWork cannot be sought in this regard. As the hosting provider of pages viewed, any person may notify the Company MyScienceWork of the illegality of any content posted by a user (contact address), stating the URL and the content in question. Upon receipt, according to the reality of the claim, the MyScienceWork team will arrange that such content is no longer accessible.
Article 5: Cookies and Collection of IP Addresses
To allow all users an optimal navigation on this web site and better functioning of the various interfaces and applications, the publisher may implement a cookie on the user's workstation. This cookie is used to store information about the browsing of the web site (date, page, time), as well as any data entered by users during their visit (login, email, password). These cookies are meant to be kept on the workstation of the user for a variable period of up to six months and may be read and used by the publisher at a subsequent visit of the user on this web site. In addition, the publisher reserves the right to collect the IP (Internet Protocol) address of all users. The collection of this IP address will be carried out anonymously, it will be retained for the same duration as cookies and will only allow for the proper administration of the services offered on this web site. The user has the ability to block, modify the retention period of, or delete the cookie through the browser interface (usually: tools or options / privacy or confidentiality). In this case, browsing through this web site will not be optimized. If systematic disabling of cookies on the Internet browser prevents the user from using certain services or features provided by the publisher, this malfunction cannot in any way constitute a harm to the member who may not claim any compensation from this fact. Internet users also have the option to delete cookies previously present on their computer by going to the menu of their browser for this purpose (usually: options / privacy or confidentiality). Such action does not affect their msw-trans-core-navigation on this web site, but users lose all the benefits provided by the cookie. In this case, they will have to reenter all information about themselves.
Article 6: Liability and Limitation of Liability
The User agrees, in his/her use of the Site, not to contravene the laws and regulations in force, the use of Netiquette or these Terms of Use. The User is informed that any violation of these provisions may result in prosecution and sanctions against him/her. In general, MyScienceWork disclaims any liability for use that fails to conform to the Terms of Use and its services. The User agrees to act diligently to respond to any claim.
The User is responsible to MyScienceWork and/or third parties for any material and/or immaterial damages, direct and/or indirect, of any nature whatsoever, caused by him and/or his employees in case of improper use.
The User guarantees MyScienceWork and its parent, sister or affiliated companies, representatives, employees, and partners against any demand, complaint, claim and/or submission of any kind, resulting from any violation of these provisions. The User will indemnify them at all times and on first demand against any damage and/or against any claim , action or complaint from third parties resulting from any violation of these provisions. This warranty covers both damages that may be paid, regardless of their direct or indirect source, and attorney's fees, expert fees, court costs, and tax costs.
Article 7: Intellectual Property Rights
1 . In general, the User agrees not to infringe the intellectual property rights (copyright, related (neighboring) rights, sui generis right of the producer of databases, trademarks, domain names ... ) of MyScienceWork and/or any third party. Copyright - Neighboring Rights - Brands - Domain Names. MyScienceWork holds all intellectual property rights on both the structure and the contents of the site (texts, logos, images, sound, software, icons, layout, database... ) or regularly acquired the rights to operation of the structure and content of the Site, without any limitation.
MyScienceWork grants the User the right to use the Site for strictly private use, excluding any lucrative use or solely for the educational environment. In case of professional use, the User must obtain the express, prior written permission of MyScienceWork. Thus, the user may not proceed with the reproduction, representation -, adaptation, translation, partial or complete transformation, or transfer of elements of the Site in any manner and for any purpose whatsoever except in case of express, prior written permission by MyScienceWork. Download by the User of certain elements, including text, photographs or music, may be authorized by MyScienceWork. This feature is at the sole discretion of MyScienceWork, which can change or remove it at any time. The User therefore undertakes not to issue protest against MyScienceWork as such. In addition, the finding of an abusive download may result in MyScienceWork and/or any third party taking sanctions as may be appropriate, especially in cases of violation of intellectual property rights. The trademarks and logos displayed on the Site are registered by the companies that are licensees. Any reproduction of names or logos, by any means whatsoever, without prior authorization of the relevant rights holder is prohibited. Failure to comply with these restrictions may constitute an infringement and/or unfair and parasitical competition for which the User may be held civilly and/or criminally liable.
Hyperlinks contained on the Site may link to other websites by any means. Insofar as MyScienceWork cannot verify these sites and external sources, MyScienceWork can not be held responsible for the availability of such external sites or resources, and can not accept any responsibility for the contents, advertising, products, services or other materials available on or from such sites or resources. In addition, MyScienceWork cannot be held responsible for any consequent damages, proven or alleged, or in connection with the use of, or the fact of having trusted the content, goods or services available on such external sites or sources. Finally, to the extent permitted by applicable law, MyScienceWork cannot be held responsible in the event that the content of such other sites violates the legal and regulatory provisions in force.
2 . Concerning the contributions of users in public areas of the site (comments, statuses, annotations), the user acknowledges that such contributions are automatically subject to the terms of the Creative Commons license CC-BY , the intellectual property rights on this content being, thus, automatically subject to the terms of such a license.
Article 8: Applicable Law
These Terms and Conditions in English will be applied and interpreted in accordance with Luxembourg law and the law of the European Union to the extent it is directly applicable in Luxembourg. The provider and the user waive any other law, including the law on the place of residence or the use of the user (if other than Luxembourg) and all international trade law.
Article 9: Specific Clause
If one or more articles of these general conditions is or becomes invalid, illegal, unenforceable or in conflict with the law, the validity, legality and enforceability of the remaining articles will in no way be affected or impaired. In case of dispute, users should first contact MyScienceWork for an amicable solution. Otherwise, the courts of Luxembourg (Luxembourg) will be competent.
Welcome to the popular science space of MyScienceWork!
Pursuant to the Law on Confidence in the Digital Economy (Law number 2004-575 of 21 June 2004), the user of MyScienceWork is informed that the online popular science space of the social network MyScienceWork is accessible by the URL http://www.mysciencework.com/en/MyScienceWork ("MyScienceWork") is published by: Publisher of MyScienceWork: MyScienceWork, Limited company, under French law, with capital of €45,000.00 Registered under RCS number Paris 524 351 582 Registered office: 14 boulevard Vincent Auriol 75013 Paris, France E-mail: contact (at) mysciencework (dot) com Hereinafter called the "Company" or "MyScienceWork" Managing Editor: Virginie Simon, President of MyScienceWork To reach the Managing Editor directly: virginie (dot) simon (at) mysciencework (dot) com MyScienceWork is hosted by: Host of MyScienceWork OVH SAS Simplified joint stock company with capital of € 10,000,000. Registered under number RCS 424 761 419 0004 5 Head Office: 2 rue Kellermann - 59100 Roubaix - France MyScienceWork is dedicated to the online publication of news articles, opinion pieces, research stories, and portraits concerning multidisciplinary, professional research. We pledge to promote open, horizontal science, in accordance with the principles of open access and the equality of all people. All contributions sharing this spirit are welcome. To contribute online, please click here. The technical delay for content or comments to appear online can vary from a few minutes to several days. We will strive to minimize this delay. Moderation of Comments Comments are moderated via the admin panel of the site. In no event will comments of a racist, abusive, defamatory, or sexual nature, pushing hatred, or generally contrary to the law be approved. Happy reading!
Conditions of Reuse
This creation, produced for MyScienceWork, is made available under the terms of the license Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 France. Unless otherwise stated, this license applies to all MyScienceWork content (articles and pages) with the exception of images for illustration (they remain under their original copyright notice). Please note: by posting comments on MyScienceWork, you irrevocably agree that they be placed under the CC-By license. All contributors must respect the laws and regulations in force in France and the rights of individuals. Be sure also to observe the necessary courtesy for the proper conduct of proceedings.
Limitation of Liability
MyScienceWork includes information provided by external individuals and/or legal entities or hyperlinks to other sites that have not been developed by MyScienceWork. The content available on MyScienceWork is provided for informational purposes. The existence on MyScienceWork of a link another site does not constitute an endorsement of that site or its content. It is up to the user to use this information wisely and critically. MyScienceWork will not be held responsible for the information, opinions and recommendations of third parties. These Conditions will be applied and interpreted in accordance with French law. In case of dispute, the internet user will apply firstly to MyScienceWork for an amicable solution. Otherwise, the courts of Paris (France) shall have sole jurisdiction.
Article 10: Sale of Content
MyScienceWork markets to Users access to content such as scientific articles in their publisher version, called "record release", or documents through credits.
Article 11: Access to Content
The contents offered for sale are available in two formats.
1 - The item is permanently available in the reader embedded in the MyScienceWork platform (platform purchase). The permanence of access is not guaranteed. In the event that an item is no longer accessible within 30 days of purchase by the user and payment through credits, the User will be reimbursed the credits in question. If access is interrupted past 30 days, no compensation will be due to the User.
2 - The item is downloadable in the form of files in PDF format potentially protected by DRM (Digital Rights Management) systems, these DRM limiting the number of displays and printouts of a document (downloadable purchase).
Article 12: Credits
The user buys credits that can be spent to gain access to content.
After purchase, these credits can only be spent. They are non-refundable, nonassignable and non-transferable.
These credits are definitively spent when the user uses them to access new documents.
Credits are made available to users upon registration of the payment.
The price of content items is displayed for information purposes only and can change at the time of billing. When the price charged is different from the price that has been displayed, the user may request the cancellation of the transaction.
Those credits will expire after 6 months, after 6 months without credits usage or purchase, the user's credit balance will be reset to 0.
Article 13: MyScienceWork Premium Subscription
Users can subscribe to a MyScienceWork Premium Subscription.
This Subscription provides access to functionalities on the platform: visibility analysis of the user’s content (profile and publications) and communication capabilities (sending messages outside of the user’s contacts). This Subscription also provides the user with 80 credits that can be spent to access content on MyScienceWork.
This Subscription is tacitly renewed on a monthly basis and can be terminated at any time by the user, without giving rise to the possibility of reimbursement for the current month.
MyScienceWork can cancel the MyScienceWork Premium Subscription without cause, subject to prior notification of 30 days.
This Subscription is taken with respect to a reference currency, the US dollar. The price of this subscription is fixed at the monthly sum of $80. The price charged in local currency may fluctuate to reflect changes in exchange rates.
Article 14: Payment
Payments on MyScienceWork.com are made through:
Braintree Payment Solutions LLC, a division of PayPal, Inc.
111 N. Canal St. Suite 455
Chicago, IL 60606 USA
In accordance with applicable regulations, MyScienceWork does not maintain any data relating to Users’ payment information on its servers.
Article 15: Support and Complaints
For any problem encountered during a purchase of downloadable content, claims processing and technical support are provided by Research Solutions Inc.
For platform purchases, the relations with Users is handled by the sales department of MyScienceWork - [email protected].
Article 16: Billing
Users can view their bills through the "Payment and Billing" tab, accessible within their account.
Users are informed that prices are displayed excluding taxes, prices with tax being presented at checkout. Luxembourg VAT rules are applied to all transactions carried out on www.mysciencework.com.
The User agrees to provide accurate information, particularly regarding billing information and address, which certifies to be his home address.
Article 17: Guarantee Regarding Content
The contents are provided without any warranty regarding their quality, accuracy, or truthfulness, or regarding the needs or objectives of the User.
MyScienceWork cannot be held responsible for omissions, inaccuracies or deficiencies in the update, whether resulting from its act or omission or due to third party partners that provide this information. The user is invited to verify any information posted on the Site with official sources.
Welcome to the popular science space of MyScienceWork!
Pursuant to the Law on Confidence in the Digital Economy (Law number 2004-575 of 21 June 2004), the user of MyScienceWork is informed that the online popular science space of the social network MyScienceWork is accessible by the URL http://www.mysciencework.com/en/MyScienceWork ("MyScienceWork") is published by: Publisher of MyScienceWork: MYSCIENCEWORK Limited company, under French law, with capital of €45,000.00 Registered under RCS number Paris 524 351 582 Registered office: 14 boulevard Vincent Auriol 75013 Paris, France E-mail: contact (at) mysciencework (dot) com Hereinafter called the "Company" or "MYSCIENCEWORK" Managing Editor: Virginie Simon, President of MYSCIENCEWORK To reach the Managing Editor directly: virginie (dot) simon (at) mysciencework (dot) com MyScienceWork is hosted by: Host of MyScienceWork OVH SAS Simplified joint stock company with capital of € 10,000,000. Registered under number RCS 424 761 419 0004 5 Head Office: 2 rue Kellermann - 59100 Roubaix - France MyScienceWork is dedicated to the online publication of news articles, opinion pieces, research stories, and portraits concerning multidisciplinary, professional research. We pledge to promote open, horizontal science, in accordance with the principles of open access and the equality of all people. All contributions sharing this spirit are welcome. To contribute online, please click here. The technical delay for content or comments to appear online can vary from a few minutes to several days. We will strive to minimize this delay. Moderation of Comments Comments are moderated via the admin panel of the site. In no event will comments of a racist, abusive, defamatory, or sexual nature, pushing hatred, or generally contrary to the law be approved. Happy reading!
Conditions of Reuse
This creation, produced for MyScienceWork, is made available under the terms of the license Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 France. Unless otherwise stated, this license applies to all MyScienceWork content (articles and pages) with the exception of images for illustration (they remain under their original copyright notice). Please note: by posting comments on MyScienceWork, you irrevocably agree that they be placed under the CC-By license. All contributors must respect the laws and regulations in force in France and the rights of individuals. Be sure also to observe the necessary courtesy for the proper conduct of proceedings.
Limitation of Liability
MyScienceWork includes information provided by external individuals and/or legal entities or hyperlinks to other sites that have not been developed by MyScienceWork. The content available on MyScienceWork is provided for informational purposes. The existence on MyScienceWork of a link another site does not constitute an endorsement of that site or its content. It is up to the user to use this information wisely and critically. MyScienceWork will not be held responsible for the information, opinions and recommendations of third parties. These Conditions will be applied and interpreted in accordance with French law. In case of dispute, the internet user will apply firstly to MyScienceWork for an amicable solution. Otherwise, the courts of Paris (France) shall have sole jurisdiction.