Open Access Week, an international event held each year for the last 6 years, is an opportunity for the scientific community to learn about and discuss the stakes and the potential of open access.
Who can participate?
University instructors, researchers, students and anyone who wants to publish their results so that they can be read and shared.
You, too, can participate in Open Access Week and contribute to opening access to scientific knowledge!
Open Access Week 2014
Open Access Week Events by MyScienceWork
OCTOBER 23 at SkyDeck
(Shattuck Ave, Berkeley, CA 94704)
"BAY AREA OPEN ACCESS WEEK for Generation Open"
6:00 PM to 8:30 PM (PDT):
8 mins – relax with a drink, a snack and “What is OA?” video by Jorge Cham (PhD Comics), Nick Shockey (Right to Research) and Jonathan Eisen (UCD)
10 minutes – un-conference OA topic selection by audience
20 minutes – topic discussion with moderation (your host for the evening, Lenny!)
10 minutes – grab another drink (alcoholic or non), stave off hunger with nibbles
40 minutes – lightning talks, “#OpenAccess – it’s up to all of us”
Last 30 minutes or so – greeting old friends and making some new ones
The next generation talks about open access - Video campaign from Couperin & Foster produced by MyScienceWork:
Workshops: “Open Access in Practice” - 22, 23 & 24 October
The URFIST of Paris (Regional Unit for Training in Scientific and Technical Information), the CCSD (Centre for Direct Scientific Communication) and the BUPMC (Library of the University Pierre and Marie Curie) are offering the following practical workshops of one hour:
The Economic Models: Green, Gold, Who Pays?
Contribute to Open Access: How to Submit Your Articles to the Open Archive HAL