What Happens When MyScienceWork Goes Premium?

A premium account lets you access paid scientific articles from participating publishers, plus new social and analytical tools for your work

Another step in a year of big progress: Give a warm welcome to MyScienceWork Premium! With our new premium offer, MyScienceWork gives you access to paid scientific articles right on the platform—in addition to the 31 million open access publications already available—as well as a new range of social features and tools.  

Another step in a year of big progress: Give a warm welcome to MyScienceWork Premium! With our new premium offer, MyScienceWork gives you access to paid scientific articles right on the platform—in addition to the 31 million open access publications already available—as well as a new range of social features and tools.  

Cet article existe également en français :  Que peut vous apporter MyScienceWork Premium ?

Thanks to a new partnership with Research Solutions, MyScienceWork has got all of your science covered. The millions of articles available in open access will, of course, stay that way, but now you can get the paid publications you need, too, directly within the MyScienceWork platform. 

Research Solutions delivers quality science from participating publishers (Elsevier, ASPET, Annual Reviews, Canadian Science Publishing, East View…) directly to clients who need it. With the MyScienceWork Premium collaboration, we’re aiming at individual researchers and small-to-medium businesses that do not have easy access to scientific publications through subscriptions and publisher packages. As Peter Derycz, CEO of Research Solutions, puts it, “MyScienceWork is addressing a new underserved market.”

The trouble is, explains MSW’s CEO, Virginie Simon, although significant research and development activities take place in this market, “there is no wide-range offer for these sectors to access content. We want to help them overcome this challenge and, in doing so, have the data they need to make new journal subscription decisions for the publications they use most.”


But that's not all: New tools help you analyze & connect

Research articles might be the meat of a scientist’s activity, but there’s a lot more that revolves around them today. Collaborations, visibility, increasing specialization: MyScienceWork Premium can help with all of these. The premium account is a paid offering that also unlocks social tools, letting you see who’s interested in your profile, what fields they work in…Could you be working together? The analytical options let you track your publications and their views, to better understand your readership. You can find and contact experts, even, or especially, those outside your immediate network: You have questions? Someone has the answers.

In short: “The content enablement through MyScienceWork Premium is the expression of what we want to be,” says Virginie Simon, “a reference for easy access to the world’s scientific content.”