Open access in Uganda, Kenya, and Tanzania — making research more relevant to the world 30 July 2014 19629 0 0 0
One size does not fit all. Exciting times for Open Access as PeerJ announces second round of funding 10 July 2014 14732 0 0 0
Open Access et bibliométrie : Comprendre ensemble les nouveaux enjeux de la publication scientifique 05 June 2014 8216 0 0 0
[Open Access Interview] Christine Ollendorff: “Opening science to citizens is one of the main goals of open access.” 22 April 2014 12553 0 0 0
[Open Access Interview] Christine Ollendorff : « La science ouverte aux citoyens est l’un des buts premiers de l’Open Access » 31 March 2014 25193 0 0 0
[Open Access Interview] Elisabeth de Turkheim : Un peer-review d’autant plus rigoureux pour le libre-accès 04 March 2014 23923 0 0 0
MyScienceWork ouvre ses publications sans inscription et notre sélection de la semaine 28 February 2014 5460 0 0 0
Launch of the FOSTER Project: Facilitate Open Science Training for European Research 04 February 2014 10365 0 0 0