Before Polaris OS, the foundation's team relied on software that made it possible to launch calls for projects and applications from researchers. All the other tasks related to expertise, monitoring of funded projects and exchanges of documents with the various stakeholders (candidates, reviewers, advisers,etc.) took place outside the software and a lot of information had to be added to the software afterwards (double work) and the other part never appeared there.
In this context, the research foundation set out to find a solution able to manage from A to Z - from the launch of the call for projects to the final report linked to a funded project - all the processes of calls and projects follow-up.
Technically, with Polaris OS the foundation can now:
- Customize deposit forms and the number of steps by type of calls for projects
- Adapt each step of the deposit forms for applicants, reviewers, scientific board, project managers (...): each person involved benefits from features according to their role and their needs
- Manage each scientific board sessions and access the list of projects related to it
- Follow-up over years (!) of funded projects through an online system with mid-term and final reports (submission, evaluation...) and funding information at each step...
Read the case study (available in French and English) to learn more about the new application of Polaris OS :

Interested in an adaption of Polaris OS based on your needs? Tell us about your data project and let's discuss how Polaris OS can help! Send your needs at [email protected].