[Open Access Interviews] Hervé Le Crosnier

Open Access: a vector for democracy and education for all

Another Open Access Week, another series of interviews! Leaders, specialists, and authors of scientific studies were present at this event, an opportunity to address new themes in open access through multiple encounters.

Another Open Access Week, another series of interviews! Leaders, specialists, and authors of scientific studies were present at this event, an opportunity to address new themes in open access through multiple encounters.

Our first interview gives the floor to Hervé Le Crosnier, a specialist on the impact of the Internet on social and cultural organization, and the extension of knowledge as a common asset. During the event held at the Fondation Maison des Sciences de l’Homme (FMSH) on the first evening of Open Access Week, he spoke to use about his vision of open access as a vector of education for all and of democracy.

The evening was centered on the theme of “Open Access for All” and was organized at the FMSH in partnership with OpenEdition.org.