Frontier technologies to the rescue
Updates on latest research, stats, patterns and projections.
A message from the MSW team
Open Research, Citizen Science & Open Souce
Pandemic surveillance, concealing research & control epidemics policies
Cutting-edge innovations & ground breaking research
Editorial about Serendipity and IgNobels
Humanity on Mars ? Interview, editorial + 3 scientific publications.
3 articles about prostate cancer awareness month
September issue: Focus on Low-code
Let's take a science look and enjoy it no matter what!
Focus on Cinema & Science this month!
Let's get inspired by our selection of open access article
Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who's the fairest of them all?
The surprising science behind what music does... Let's get inspired!
Green economy, reality or fantasy of modern times?
Take a science look to the fantasy
Discover science in a different way
Know more about Easter Island, scientifically!
Chocolate facts maybe you've never heard before
Paris Space Week Coming!!
The MyScienceWork Community Newsletter
The MyScienceWork Community Newsletter
The MyScienceWork Community Newsletter!
Let's Celebrate Open Access! First Stop: USA
Anne Hidalgo, Mayor of Paris & C40 Chair and Dr. Cara Maesano are our guests this month!
African PhD's To Center Stage!
Science isn't as bad as you remember!
Open science, open source and much more!
Let's celebrate Women in Science!