Here at MyScienceWork we are delighted to announce a brand new way to give your research a big visibility boost. Already, institutions can increase their outreach with written and other digital content by adding a communication package on top of their Polaris dissemination platform. Now, they can also improve the visibility of their research with short, animated Video Summaries from Research Square.
Screenshot from the Video Summary of Holding et al. "Temperature dependence of CO2-enhanced primary production in the European Arctic Ocean", Nature Climate Change (2015).
You know that science is very popular online, and science videos are an especially big hit. The Video Summaries pack your story in an appealing, understandable format. They make your latest research publication easy for media outlets to pick up for their coverage. Institutions benefit by raising their profile and increasing awareness of their research. Indeed, a Research Square trial, conducted with Nature Publishing Group, showed that articles with Video Summaries received 67% more views!
How does it work?
Send your research publication, preprint or conference presentation and, with your input, the Research Square team will produce a 3-4 minute animated video with voiceover. They’ll summarize the context for a particular research project, its key findings, and its implications for future studies.
You’ll get the word out on YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, and via to some 500,000 members. You also get a copy of the video to use for all your lab’s needs: your website, your presentations, your CV—anywhere you want to introduce your research to a broader audience.
MyScienceWork is very happy to partner with Research Square on this new endeavor. (Read more about it in their interview with our CEO, Virginie Simon!) They have been doing a great job assisting researchers with pre-publication services to help them publish their work. Now, we’re partnering up on the task of promoting your published research!
Contact us to learn more and check out these great science videos below. Which of your papers or projects would you like to take the internet by storm in video form?
Intracellular Microlasers
Video Summary of a Nature Photonics paper
Precision measurement of the mass difference between light nuclei and anti-nuclei
Video Summary of a Nature Physics paper
Temperature dependence of CO2-enhanced primary production in the European Arctic Ocean
Video Summary of a Nature Climate Change paper