Mental Health - Annual Reviews Special Article Collection

Research on Suicide, Addiction, Interventions, and more.

World Mental Health Day, organized by the World Federation for Mental Health, raises awareness and mobilizes efforts in support of mental health. Annual Reviews has curated a special article collection addressing issues related to and supporting awareness of Mental Health.

Read 20 review articles from invited experts covering the effect of mental health problems on at-risk adolescents, the treatments for and biology of mental health, the relationship between addiction and mental health, and the steps needed to improve mental health care.

"In particular, people with mental illness are disproportionately affected with high smoking prevalence; they account for more than 200,000 of the 520,000 tobacco-attributable deaths in the United States annually and die on average 25 years prematurely."
-Prochaska et al., Annual Review of Public Health, 2017

Articles are freely available through November 30, 2019 and always available at subscribing institutions.

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These scientific reviews from several Annual Reviews journals highlight research supporting the prevention, intervention, and treatment of mental health disorders. Articles in this interdisciplinary collection include:


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Annual Reviews is a nonprofit publisher dedicated to synthesizing and integrating knowledge for the progress of science and the benefit of society. They first published the Annual Review of Biochemistry in 1932 to address the persistent challenge of scientific information overload. Today they publish Annual Review journals for 51 disciplines. The Editorial Committees are comprised of leaders in their fields who invite expert authors to contribute a synthesis of scientific literature on timely topics and trends.