T-minus 10 days until International Open Access Week (21-25 October)! Along with a host of great partners, MyScienceWork, has organized three evenings on different themes relating to open access. The future of scientific publishing is far from settled, so make your voice heard now by attending our Paris sessions in person (register now online) or participating online via the hashtag #OAW13. If you’re looking for practical info – on the different economic models, on submitting to an open archive – then attend the lunchtime workshops on these topics (22, 23 and 24 October).
Open Access Week 2013 - Review the program of events and sign up now
Once you’ve registered, take the time to learn about one economic model that creates a sustainable OA system, in this case, in the social sciences. Pierre Mounier of Cléo, the Center for Open Electronic Publishing, explains his organization’s freemium model.
[Open Access Interviews] Pierre Mounier: Open access makes sustainable economic models possible
As Pierre Mounier explains, different fields of science have different needs. Nathalie Duchange, of HAL/Inserm, knows that, in the biomedical sciences, it’s important to be visible in PubMed. In this interview, she explains the benefits of merging open archives on a national and an international level:
[Open Access Interviews] Nathalie Duchange: The scientific community needs OA to build on the work of others
We certainly have had open access on the brain this week, but not only. Every morning, we waited with bated breath – or a tab open to nobelprize.org, at least – for the announcement of the 2013 Prizes. We’re getting geared up for next week’s #CNESTweetup on the star-mapping satellite, Gaia, as well as the inspiring Women’s Forum Global Meeting (#WF13) taking place in Deauville, France. And in the midst of all this, we made a stop in Senegal, in episode 3 of the second season of Knock Knock Doc. Isabelle, the PhD student featured in this week’s episode, leads a fascinating life split between Paris and Dakar, studying environmental management of the coastal urban area of Senegal’s capital and the Lebou community that has long lived there, interacting with nature in its own way.
Knock Knock Doc - Episode 03 # Season 2: Montreuil/Dakar
Enjoy your weekend, check out our Twitter and Facebook feeds for science news round the clock, and see you next week!
The MyScienceWork Team