Explore the "Science & You" Pre-Programme today!

Sign up now to get the early bird price!

From June 1-6, 2015, the University of Lorraine is organizing the Science&You colloquium, a cultural and scientific event of international scope and open to all. To be held in Nancy, France, and endorsed by leading figures in the promotion of science, like Brigitte Kieffer, Etienne Klein and Cédric Villani, Science & You already boasts a very motivating pre-programme: a forum and cultural events open to the general public, training in science communication for PhD students, the Journées Hubert Curien International Conference on a whole array of topics… Hurry and sign up before February 16 to take advantage of the early bird price!

From June 1-6, 2015, the University of Lorraine is organizing the Science&You colloquium, a cultural and scientific event of international scope and open to all. To be held in Nancy, France, and endorsed by leading figures in the promotion of science, like Brigitte Kieffer, Etienne Klein and Cédric Villani, Science & You already boasts a very motivating pre-programme: a forum and cultural events open to the general public, training in science communication for PhD students, the Journées Hubert Curien International Conference on a whole array of topics… Hurry and sign up before February 16th to take advantage of the early bird price!


 “Scientific culture on the move: 
Forms of mobilisation, cultural and political contexts,
social connections.”


To get your mouth watering, here’s a glimpse of what awaits you at Science&You!

The event will open with a presentation dedicated to a subject that couldn’t be more timely or more fundamental: freedom of the press.

The following day will be dedicated to a series of debates around science and society: about what exactly citizen science is, the relationship between science and politics, and even ethical questions around the use of animals.

These enriching days will also address scientific communication issues from an intercultural point of view: science museums in China, science and society in Morocco, an African view on the challenges of science communication.

The open access movement will also be on the menu, as well as magic (oh, yes!) and communicating the sciences via art and games.


So, have we convinced you? At MyScienceWork, at least, we’re chomping at the bit! Explore the whole pre-programme here and start choosing the sessions that interest you the most!

Sign up for the Science and Culture Forum and the Journées Hubert Curien conference before February 16th to take advantage of the reduced price!