Biomedical, Life, Physical, and Social Sciences... Top 20 Articles from 2018 !

In 2018, Annual Reviews published more than 1,100 review articles across the Biomedical, Life, Physical, and Social Sciences. Don't miss the most downloaded articles from the 50 volumes that published in 2018 and the most downloaded articles from our complete collection of 40,000 that were read during 2018.


Diverse topics featured in this collection include immigration and crime, the opioid crisis, CRISPR applications, diet and health, plastics in the ocean, robotics and innovation, data science, and more. Our newest journals – the Annual Review of Control, Robotics, and Autonomous Systems; Annual Review of Biomedical Data Science; and Annual Review of Criminology – contributed four of the top articles. 

Most Downloaded Articles Published in 2018 Include:

This special collection features 15 additional review articles written by prominent scholars who cover timely and relevant topics, including:


Annual Reviews is a nonprofit publisher dedicated to synthesizing and integrating knowledge for the progress of science and the benefit of society. They currently publish 50 highly cited journals in the Biomedical, Life, Physical, and Social Sciences, including Economics.