Back to work with MyScienceWork

[September 2-6, 2013] The editors’ note about your science week

Here in Paris, “la rentrée” is well underway, meaning vacation is over and everyone is back at his or her desk. The difference between summertime and September-time isn’t as marked in all countries, but the month often brings that feeling of a fresh start. That’s particularly true at MyScienceWork where we’ve just launched our fresh, efficient, newly redesigned site. You’ve got to see it! This week we also talked about elements that are important for feeling successful and satisfied at work. Check out this and other articles on the professional front. And then…get back to work!

Here in Paris, “la rentrée” is well underway, meaning vacation is over and everyone is back at his or her desk. The difference between summertime and September-time isn’t as marked in all countries, but the month often brings that feeling of a fresh start. That’s particularly true at MyScienceWork where we’ve just launched our fresh, efficient, newly redesigned site. You’ve got to see it! This week we also talked about elements that are important for feeling successful and satisfied at work. Check out this and other articles on the professional front. And then…get back to work!

(Credit: Sean MacEntee / Flickr )

It’s that time again: Back to school and back to work. Whether that gets you motivated for new challenges or brings a tear to your eye that summer vacation is gone for another year, there are ways to help ensure you feel satisfied in your work. This week, in the first of two articles on the subject, we looked at the different ingredients of a “cocktail of efficiency” that can help you get the best out of your professional life. Learn more in:

Finding Happiness at Work


Or maybe, as the wheels get turning again after the summer break, you’re looking for work, or a change, or a new challenge. In that case, take a look at the newest job offers available on MyScienceWork. You never know what might be out there waiting for you…

Find scientific job offers on MyScienceWork


Finally, if you think you’ve got a lot of responsibility at work, here’s a man with a challenging job! Jean-Claude Manuguerra leads the Laboratory for Urgent Response to Biological Threats (CIBU) at the Institut Pasteur. Their role? To identify which infectious agent is causing an epidemic when people mysteriously start falling ill. Sounds intimidating, but Jean-Claude Manuguerra finds it a fascinating challenge. Let him tell you all about it:

[Video]: Pasteur’s Lab for Urgent Response to Biological Threats


Have a good weekend – don’t work too hard!

The MyScienceWork Team