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Our experts provide insight from a variety of perspectives, from analyzing ancient DNA biomarkers that indicate environmental activity during historical extinctions, to assessing the human impact on a variety of species through time, to adaptive genetic reactions to environmental change.
Learning from History
- Extinction Vulnerability and Selectivity: Combining Ecological and Paleontological Views
- Pleistocene Overkill and North American Mammalian Extinctions
- Biomarker Records Associated wtih Mass Extinction Events
- Using Ancient DNA to Understand Evolutionary and Ecological Processes
Biodiversity Threats and Conservation Efforts
- Evolution and Extinction of Land Snails on Oceanic Islands
- Avian Extinctions from Tropical and Subtropical Forests
- Threats Posed to Rare or Endangered Insects by Invasions of Nonnative Species
Can Human Impact on Biodiversity Be Reversed?
- The Performance of the Endangered Species Act
- Preindustrial Human Impacts on Global and Regional Environment
- Late Quaternary Extinctions: State of the Debate
- Anthropogenic Extinction Dominates Holocene Declines of West Indian Mammals
- Global State of Biodiversity and Loss
Climate Change and Adaptation
- Genetics of Climate Change Adaptation
- Ecological and Evolutionary Responses to Recent Climate Change
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Annual Reviews is a nonprofit publisher dedicated to synthesizing and integrating knowledge for the progress of science and the benefit of society. We currently publish 47 highly cited journals in the Biomedical, Life, Physical, and Social Sciences, including Economics.