Department of Electronic Science and Engineering, Kyoto University, Katsura, Nishikyo, Kyoto 615-8510, Japan
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Atomic-Scale 3D Local Hydration Structures Influenced by Water-Restricting Dimensions
Published in Langmuir
Hydration structures at solid–liquid interfaces mediate between the atomic-level surface structures and macroscopic functionalities in various physical, chemical, and biological processes. Atomic-scale local hydration measurements have been enabled by ultralow noise three-dimensional (3D) frequency-modulation atomic force microscopy. However, for t...
Atomic-Level Viscosity Distribution in the Hydration Layer
Published in Physical Review Letters
The viscosity of solvation structures is crucial for the development of energy-efficient biofunctional and electrochemical devices. Elucidating their subnanoscale distributions can cause the formation of a sustainable energy society. Here, we visualize the site-specific three-dimensional damping distribution on a CaCO3 surface composed of binary io...
Atomic-Scale Three-Dimensional Local Solvation Structures of Ionic Liquids
Published in The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters
Room-temperature ionic liquids are promising media for next-generation energy devices because of their various superior characteristics. Because device performance is often dictated by the solvation structures at the solid–liquid interfaces, particularly at the local reactive sites, their atomistic pictures are in great demand. However, there has b...