Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Jagruti Institute of Engineering and Technology
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A Scalable and Reliable Matching Service for Content-based Publish/Subscribe Systems
Published in International Journal of Computer Engineering in Research Trends
Security is one of the extensive and complicated requirements that need to be provided in order to achieve few issues like confidentiality, integrity and authentication. In a content-based publish/subscribe system, authentication is difficult to achieve since there exists no strong bonding between the end parties. Similarly, Integrity and confident...
Defensive Cloud Service Providers Against Stealthy Denial of Service Strategy
Published in International Journal of Computer Engineering in Research Trends
— Cloud Computing allows customers to access cloud resources and services. On-demand, self-service and pay-by-use business model are adapted for the cloud resource sharing process. Service level agreements (SLA) regulate the cost for the services that are provided for the customers. Cloud data centers are employed to share data values to the users....
Secure Grid System for T-Broker: A Trust-Aware Service Brokering Scheme Multiple Cloud Collaborative Services
Published in International Journal of Computer Engineering in Research Trends
To facilitate extensive collaborations, today's organizations raise increasing needs for information sharing via on-demand information access. Information Brokering System (IBS) a top a peer-topeer overlay has been proposed to support information sharing among loosely federated data sources. It consists of diverse data servers and brokering compone...