Department of Aeronautics, Imperial College London, London SW7 2AZ, UK
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On the departure of near-wall turbulence from the quasi-steady state
Published in Journal of Fluid Mechanics
An examination is undertaken of the validity and limitations of the quasi-steady hypothesis of near-wall turbulence. This hypothesis is based on the supposition that the statistics of the turbulent fluctuations are universal if scaled by the local, instantaneous, wall shear when its variations are determined from footprints of large-scale, energeti...
The connection between the spectrum of turbulent scales and the skin-friction statistics in channel flow at
Published in Journal of Fluid Mechanics
Data from a direct numerical simulation for channel flow at a friction Reynolds number of 1000 are analysed to derive statistical properties that offer insight into the mechanisms by which large-scale structures in the log-law region affect the small-scale turbulence field close to the wall and the statistical skin-friction properties. The data com...