COMTES FHT a.c., Průmyslová 995, 33441 Dobřany, Czech Republic
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Two-body abrasion resistance of high-carbon high-silicon steel: Metastable austenite vs nanostructured bainite
Published in Wear
In the current study, a high-carbon, high-silicon steel (1.21 wt% C, 2.56 wt% Mn, 1.59 wt% Si) was subjected to different heat treatments ((a) quenching from 800–1000 °C; (b) quenching from 800–1000 °C with further bainitizing at 250 °C for 8 days), resulting in microstructures consisting (a) of austenite and martensite (up to 94 vol% austenite) or...