Bio-Protection Research Centre, PO Box 85084, Lincoln University, Lincoln 7647, New Zealand
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Editorial: Molecular and isotopic approaches to food webs in agroecosystems
Published in Food Webs
This special issue comprises seven papers: one review, one opinion and five experimental papers. Together, these articles illustrate how molecular tools and isotope analyses are improving our understanding of food-web structure and dynamics in agricultural systems. The papers collated here make use of the PCR-based DNA barcoding approach, protein-m...
Food webs and biological control: A review of molecular tools used to reveal trophic interactions in agricultural system...
Published in Food Webs
Modern monocultural agro-ecosystems can be perceived as a simplification of natural ecosystems, where a single plant species is usually grown over vast areas. In these systems, it has historically been assumed that the concept of a food chain can describe the relationships between an insect pest and a single biocontrol agent. In reality, multiple p...