How to remove my ORCID link ?
ORCIDAt any moment, you can choose to remove the link between your ORCID profile and your MyScienceWork profile.
To do so, go on you settings page (once connected, click on your picture on the top right, and click on "Settings").
On the settings page, scroll to the bottom of the page to the "Third-Party Applications". If you have created your MyScienceWork account with ORCID, you will the the following button :
Click on this button to remove the link between MyScienceWork and ORCID. We will ask you to provide a password in order to connect on MyScienceWork the normal way.
Be aware that by removing the link between your MyScienceWork profile and your ORCID iD, we won't be able to update your profile anymore. For example, after that, our robots will no more load new publications from your ORCID iD on your MyScienceWork profile.