How to use MyScienceWork Advanced Search?
MyScienceWorkHow to use MyScienceWork Advanced Search:
Exact search
To search an exact words sequence, you can enclose your query with double quotation marks ".
For example, Black hole will return all publications including both Black and hole anywhere in the publications’ metadata, and "Black hole" will return all publications including the exact phrase Black hole
Use operators to narrow or broaden your search. Please note that all operators are case-sensitive, and that using any of them will only return publications (i.e. no users and no institutions).:
Use "IN" to find publications in a specific journal, e.g science IN Nature will return all publications containing the word science and published in a journal whose name matches Nature.
Use "BY" to find publications by a specific author, e.g science BY Example will return all publications containing the word science and by an author whose name matches Example.
Use "BEFORE" to find publications before a specific year, e.g science BEFORE 2010 will return all publications containing the word science and published before 2010.
Use "AFTER" to find publications after a specific date, e.g science AFTER 2010 will return all publications containing the word science and published after 2010.
Combine the same category of keywords with "OR" or with "AND" and also precede them by "NOT", e.g science BY John AND NOT BY Jane IN Nature OR IN Plos will return all publications containing the word science by an author whose name matches John but not Jane and published in a journal whose name matches Nature or Plos .